Hachim Mastour Profiles
Date of birth: 15.06.1998
Place of birth: Reggio Emilia
Height: 1,72
Nationality: Italy
Mastour Masuk Tim Utama AC Milan vs Sassuolo
BERITA MENGEJUTKAN dari Milanello ketika CEO AC Milan
menghadiri sesi latihan ,untuk meresmikan berita Mastour ke tim Utama Rossoneri .
Mastour terpilih sebagai bakat muda terbaik di dunia baru-baru ini . Bermain
di peran nomor 10 peran , atau " trequartista , " seperti
yang disebut di Italia , Mastour sepertinya dimasukkan ke starting
XI musim depan untuk menambahkan daya ledak dan kreativitas Milan yang telah lama hilang sejak Ricardo Kaka
dijual ke real Madrid pada tahun 2009 .
Laporan terbaru menyatakan bahwa Mastour dapat dimasukkan dalam skuad
yang akan menghadapi Sassuolo pada hari Minggu , meskipun masih berusia
15 tahun , setelah Milan memperoleh persetujuan dari Lega Serie A.
bocah ajaib ini dibeli dengan biaya transfer memecahkan rekor dunia untuk remaja dari Reggiana pada tahun 2012 sejumlah € 500.000 .
Ini adalah pertanda baik bagi fans Milan karena manajemen tampaknya belum sepenuhnya mengesampingkan youth policy. Namun banyak lagi yang dibutuhkan. Masih Jauh , tetapi untuk sekarang , kita semua
bisa bernapas lega karena berita ini paling tidak sementara
waktu menghapus banyak hal negatif yang telah beredar Milanello
akhir-akhir ini .
Para fans ingin mengucapkan : Welcome aboard Hachim Mastour - dan kami
berharap karir mastour berlangsung dengan hebat bersama Rossoneri kita tercinta !
Seperti biasa , Forza Milan !
SURPRISING NEWS out of Milanello yesterday as CEO of AC Milan attended training to inaugurate the arrival of the much anticipated inclusion of Mastour to the Rossoneri first team.
Mastour was voted the world’s best young talent recently. Playing in that coveted number 10 role, or “trequartista,” as it is called in Italy, Mastour will look to break into the starting XI next season an add some much needed fire power and creativity that Milan have been lacking since Ricardo Kaka was sold to Real Madrid in 2009.
Reports have been surfacing that Mastour could be included in the squad that will face Sassuolo on Sunday, despite being still 15 years old, as Milan has gained the approval of the Lega Serie A. The prodigy was purchased for a world record transfer fee for a teenager from Reggiana in 2012 for 500,000 euros.
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This is a good sign for Milan fans as the management seems to have not completely ruled out a youth movement. Much more is needed however, but for now, we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief as this news settles in and for the time being erases much of the negativity that has been floating around Milanello as of late.
The fans would like to tell Hachim Mastour – Welcome aboard and we wish you a glorious career with our beloved Rossoneri!
As always, Forza Milan!